6 Simple Ways To Be More Sustainable – regrowing, grow your own sprouts, make your own nutmilk/oatmilk, nice cream

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I would like to give you a short approach of WHY we should choose a more sustainable lifestyle:

  • It affects your life on earth.
  • It affects future generations.
  • It affects the planet and its other inhabitants.

In the following I show you 6 simple ways of being more sustainable, live in an environmentally friendly way and it is so much fun doing them.

1. Grow your own sprouts


What do you need?

Sprouts You can buy them online, in organic markets or even some supermarkets have them nowadays. There are plenty of sorts out there: Alfalfa, broccoli, radish, fenugreek, mung beans Look for smaller packages to try what you like best, before buying bigger packages.

Sprout glasses They aren't very expensive, I got 2 for around 12 euros (it was a starter package, with each jar were 3 packages of sprouts included). If you take care of them, you can use them for a long time. If you already have a glass, you can buy the lit separately. Just make sure it fits on the glass.
If you don't have or don't want to spend the money for a glass. You can use a simple yoghurt jar and make holes with a hammer and nails in the lit. Take care of your fingers :) It works out perfectly fine. It is always better to use what you have, before buying something new.

How it works?

When you start, don't overdo; fill some sprouts in your sprout glass and let it soak in water overnight or for 8 hours. Then rinse it every day. After 3 to 5 days you can see them grow. Fill the sprouts in another jar to store them in your fridge. It depends on how clean your glass is, but I would say you can easily store them in your fridge for one or 1 ½ weeks. I work with 2 glasses and it is perfectly fine. I add them to my daily meals or as a topping on a bread. It is healthy, tastes so good and gives your food freshness.



2. Make your own oatmilk/nutmilk


Soak 100 g oats in 1 l water for 5 to 10 mins, add a pinch of salt (just a little bit), put everything into a mixer and then fill it in a nutmilk bag and press the liquid through it into a bowl. Fill it into a clean jar or glass bottle. The cleaner the bottle, the longer you can store it. (Clean the bottle with hot water.)

Tip for saving money – use a tea towel instead of a nutmilk bag. It works. A nutmilk bag is easier to handle, but when you want to try it first, use a tea towel. If you use a tea towel don't fill everything in at once, just a bit, then press it out, then fill it again.

If you want some sweetness – mix it with a date or add some agave syrup.

Especially during winter I can recommend to add a bit of cinnamon or cardamom to your oat milk. It tastes fantastic in my coffee or porridge.

For nutmilk (e.g. almonds, cashews,..) – it works the same way. Just let it soak in water overnight in your fridge and use 200g almonds in 1 l water.

You can store it up to 4 days in the fridge. If you see something that looks like ‚slime‘ it is just the natural oil of the almonds and oats. Shake the bottle before using, then you can use it.

Ready :) See how easy it is.

3. Regrowing


What is regrowing? It is the regrowth of vegetable residues.

The process is pretty simple with many regrow plants. Instead of throwing the stalk away (for example with the romaine lettuce), it is placed in a glass with water for a few days. The water should be changed regularly so that it does not rot. After a few days you will be able to see new life sprouting from its midst with the romaine lettuce. Then it is time to put the stalk of the water in a pot of earth. Potting soil is particularly suitable for this. Of course, each plant has slightly different requirements in terms of location. In general, however, it should be light and warm around the regrow plants.

What you can use?

E.g. spring onions, leek, romaine lettuce, celeriac

4. Nice Cream


Cut a banana into small pieces, put it in a jar and put it without a lit into the freezer. Leave it there for a few hours or days.

Add cacao powder for chocolate flavour. The banana is already sweet, but you can add some sweetener like dates, agave syrup or maple syrup. Put it in a mixer. Add a bit of your own oat milk or a bit water, if you can't mix it probably. It makes it more creamy.

If chocolate isn't your thing you can just use the banana itself or you can try it with frozen berries and a bit water.

Less waste, healthy and still – wow.

5. Reusable Bags


Use reusable bags when you do your weekly grocery shopping. There are reusable bags, which you can use for your vegetables or fruits, whether it be pepper, potatoes, apples or bananas.

6. Use your own coffee to go cup

You often drink your coffee to go? Have your own coffee to go cup in your bag. However the best thing is to take your time, slow down, sit down and enjoy your warm cup of coffee :)

mischa Level 1
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