When A Copper Water Bottle Synthesises In The Sun | Slow Living | Things You May Have Missed

It's 07:15.
I had just completed my workout and had my shower. I feel fresh. I feel great!
Knowing that I'm already ahead in the game gives me the confidence I can achieve anything I want to now.
As I walk into my home office to start my work, I noticed something shining. That grabbed my attention and I looked intensely for several minutes, mesmerised and fascinated.
I had bought this copper drinking bottle months ago. Not only do I find it more elegant than plastic bottles but there are many health benefits associated with drinking water from a copper vessel such as strengthening the immune system, improving digestion and slowing down aging due to its antioxidant properties. However the ayurvedic angle around this deserves a discussion of its own which I may address at a later point in time. Today I'd like to talk about my observation.
Originally, I planned to place the water bottle on my bedside cabinet and I would have drunk from it first thing in the morning, as soon as I wake up and before even brushing my teeth. Why, you wonder? After a night's sleep, your mouth has a fair amount of good bacteria in the saliva and it's good to push them down to your stomach where the bacteria can help with digestion in your gut.
Anyway, I realised it would be best if I kept the water bottle on my office desk. I usually drink from a 1.5 litre plastic bottle to make sure I'm having at least a decent amount of water during the day. Nowadays I pour the water from the plastic bottle into the copper vessel and drink from that; although I have to do this twice as the copper container is only 0.9L big.
Paying attention to the small things
Normally people have too many things on their mind. Thoughts are growing and bursting at a fast rate just like bubbles are being blown. We do not have time to notice the small things. We do not have time to observe our surroundings unless they pose an immediate danger to us or unless we need to act based on a certain pre-established goal.
It's only when we slow things down that we truly see.
As the sunlight shone over the copper bottle, I noticed how they both merged and created something new, nonetheless intangible.
- It's not the metal bottle anymore.
- It's not the sunlight either.
- It's the rays of copper.
I was amazed, wow. The copper had given its colour and shape to emanate from while the sun had given its light and what laid before my eyes was a new creation, something very beautiful that I could stare at for hours.
This phenomenon may have happened many times before but I never noticed until now. It was not a miracle per se, it was a synthesis that has been occurring naturally but to untrained and unaware eyes, they were invisible.
That is why it's important to slow things down to a pace where we can become more aware of existence, whether inwards or outwards.
2 Replies
This is a very good article of yours. Even if it can be explained physically, the world is full of wonders and miracles if we just open our eyes. The moment you become aware of it, you can see the beautiful little things everywhere.
Due to reasons I read many articles about the topic "copper in your body" a few years ago. It is true that there are many benefits of copper, like the ones you mentioned in your article. Especially in ayurveda. It is indeed very interesting.
However I recommend in doing breaks from your copper bottle from time to time. Tiny little amounts of copper are already enough to get the benefits, too much of it can causes damages. If someone wants to research, there are plenty of good scientific articles about it.
Like I said, it is not wrong what you said, but I wanted to show both sides. Use the copper bottle to get the benefits, but don't overdo, do breaks :)
Fun fact: The cocoa in chocolate is also a source of copper. The darker the chocolate, the more copper it contains :) Let's eat more chocolate!
Copper or not copper, let's keep our eyes open for the miracles in life :)
It is true that too much copper can become toxic for the body. However I don't let my water sit overnight in the copper bottle. What I pour in the bottle gets drunk within 3hrs. The longer you let the water sit in the vessel, the more the copper charges the water and in my case, I avoid too much "charging".
Interesting fun fact you mentioned; I usually eat dark chocolates to make up for the difference in fat that I'm lacking for my daily metabolic rate. You've now given me another reason to indulge in them ^.^
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